In Germany the watches of Junkers and Zeppelin are very famous. With a network of more than 100 jewellers selling both brands the dealer coverage is high. Junkers and Zeppelin are watch brands with a history. Junkers is well known because of the airplane industry, which produced several airplanes that broke several world records. Zeppelin is the word for an airship with a sigar shape. Zeppelins were popular at the beginning of the 20th century and did transport a lot of people worldwide.
Zeppelin and Junkers; classical designs - modern technique.
The design of the Junkers and Zeppelin watches is traditional. The style and accents of the dials of both brands are classical. Though the inside of the watches is quite modern. Junkers and Zeppelin use high quality German and Swiss movements, like Valjoux, ETA and Ronda. Therefore the Junkers and Zeppelin watches are very reliable. Each Junkers watch does come in a nice metal watch box which gives an traditional look. Every Zeppelin watch does come in a luxury watch box with classical guarantee papers based on the Zeppelin history.
Our experience with Junkers and Zeppelin watches
We do sell the Junkers and Zeppelin watches for more than 1 year now. In the first period we did sell the watches mostly to Dutch and Belgium customers. Their reactions on Junkers and Zeppelin were extremely positive. The classical design in combination with the good quality of the material and the interesting prices made the watches very popular. In the time after that more and more people from the rest of Europe, the US, Australia did show their interest and bought a Junkers or Zeppelin watch. There are some customers who did buy a Junkers watch, and came back later to buy a Zeppelin watch. This proves the popularity of the Junkers and Zeppelin watches.
Are you curious about the Junkers watches, or do you want to take a look at the Zeppelin watch collection? Take a look now and order online!