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From airship to watches; Zeppelin

Posted on 10 October 2019 at 12:03 PM

For watch lovers or collectors who are charmed by a special watch with a story, Zeppelin offers a wide choice. Zeppelin watches are made in Germany. The name of the brand refers to the designer Ferdinand Graff von Zeppelin of the aviation ship of the same name with a special history. The first majestic Zeppelin was built in 1900, the Zeppelin LZ1. In the years 1900-1938, another 100 of these legendary airships were built, in 27 different series. The Zeppelin has left an indelible impression and was very popular during WWI. With the Zeppelin watches the company Point-tec manages to capture a bit of nostalgia in a beautiful collection.

The collection of Zeppelin watches consists of both quartz and automatic and mechanical watches, so whatever type of watch you prefer, Zeppelin offers enough choice. The appearance of the Zeppelin watches can be called classic and stylish. The strong combination of a watch with a nostalgic character which at the same time has advanced technology, makes a Zeppelin watch a timeless piece. The watches from Zeppelin are also very affordable and therefore accessible to a wide audience.

Zeppelin 7672 watch

Zeppelin has various series in its collection and each series has its own story. For example, the "100 years Zeppelin" and the "Princess of the Sky" series are both designed to honor the 100th anniversary of the Zeppelin. The watches in the "100 years Zeppelin" series are characterized by the use of dome-shaped dials and crystal glass. With the beautiful ladies watches from the "Princess of the Sky" series, the exceptionally designed dials stand out. With this series they have tried to get back the feeling of glamor from the 1920s. A nice detail is that the Princess of the sky watches can not only be worn as a wrist watch, but also around the neck.

BensonTrade supplies Zeppelin watches as standard in a luxury watch box and with a two-year warranty and manual.