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Some background information about Damasko watches

Posted on 7 October 2011 at 12:35 PM

 The Damasko watch company designs and manufactures mechanical wristwatches since 1994. According to their philosophy it has always been the major goal to construct a watch with superior technical characteristics which should represent the highest standard.

During long years of extensive research several dozens of patents have been granted and Damasko feel proud that their watches, now represent a superior technical standard which is hardly to be found in the watch industry. With the main emphasis on the chronograph case and its operating elements Damasko has taken every substantial part of the watch and Damasko has found new ways of improving their performance with special regard to longevity.

After Damasko has changed dozens of elements of the mechanical wristwatch and tested and patented over twenty new super-hard alloys for the case and its components, the Damasko watches now represent a technical standard which truly sets our products apart when compared to any optically related watches. This becomes clearly visible under harsh conditions. The Damasko watches won’t fail you. And that’s a promise.

Damasko thinks that their watches should ‘speak’ for themselves. BensonTrade is official dealer of Damasko watches.