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The best watch winder for 2 automatic watches

Posted on 9 February 2020 at 11:32 AM

Imagine you have one or two automatic watches that you want to run on time. You don't want them to stand still because standing still means decline. In addition, it is useful if your watches display the correct time because then you do not have to constantly wind them by shaking or opening the crown and manually winding the movement. This last element in particular is a risk for the watch since the crown is one of the most sensitive parts of the watch. With a watch winder, your automatic watches will always run on time and they will not stand still. As described, this is not only good for the movement inside the watch, but also very useful. Because if you want to wear your automatic watch quickly, you don't have to set the time and date again because the watch winder has supplied the watches with the right energy.

If you have one or two automatic watches, a watch winder for 2 automatic watches is extremely useful. There are very many different brands and models. But what should you look out for if you want to buy a watch winder? What is the best watch winder for 2 automatic watches?

There are a number of things to look out for when purchasing a watch winder for your automatic watches. First, we want to start by determining what capacity you need. Do you want a watch winder for one, two, four or even six automatic watches? We always recommend choosing a watch winder that is slightly larger than the number of watches you want to wind. Then the watch winder is always suitable when you buy a new watch. The extra price does not outweigh the fact that you have to buy a new watch winder when your capacity is short.

Secondly, we always recommend choosing a good brand. There are several good brands such as Benson, Paul Design, Swiss Kubik and Chronovision that offer excellent watch winders for one or more automatic watches. These brands invest in technology, innovation and functionality. Are your automatic watches important to you? Then don't buy a watch winder on Ebay, Amazon or even Alibaba. Here, watch winders are often offered by traders who don't have any experience with watch winders. These watch winders could potentially be harmful to automatic watches. In addition, they unfortunately last less in terms of good functionality and durability.

Thirdly, it is important to choose a watch winder that has the most required turning directions and TPD. TPD stands for "turns per day", in other words the number of revolutions per day. Each automatic watch has a movement that requires a certain direction of rotation and TPD. The most common setting is turning clockwise at 900 TPD. However, there are also automatic watches that, for example, need to be wound counterclockwise at 1200 TPD. That is why it is important that you buy a watch winder that offers multiple settings so that all automatic watches that you wind in it are supplied with energy. The aforementioned brands comply with this and wind up any automatic watch, regardless of brand or model, without any problems.

The fourth important point is the price. In the field of watch winders, quality costs money. You can buy a good watch winder for a longer period. Your watches must be wound safely and properly. You would rather spend a little more on a good watch winder that you will enjoy for a long time than on a watch winder that does not wind your watches properly. All good watch winder brands offer good motors from Japan, Germany or Switzerland. In addition, they offer additional functionalities such as LED lighting, power winding or extra storage for other watches or jewelry. A good watch holder that is properly secured in the watch winder is also important. All these elements naturally have a price.

As a last element, and that is perhaps one of the most important elements, we recommend that you purchase a watch winder for automatic watches from an expert. An expert in the field of watch winders has experience and expertise. In addition, experts are official dealers of various watch winder brands so that there is support from the brand itself. This is important for updates, repairs and/or service. Always buy a watch winder for two automatic watches at a store or webshop which gives you have a good feeling. If you are not sure, send them an email or call them for more information about watch winders. A watch winder expert will be able to answer your questions quickly and easily.

To come back to our question what the best watchwinder for 2 automatic watches is, we have selected different models that are suitable for every watch brand and model. We have made an overview based on quality, different types of designs and price. This allows you to see for yourself the differences between the different watch winders.