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The ideal watch for a business meeting

Posted on 4 August 2020 at 3:00 PM

A watch is no longer just a method of measuring time. Watches have increasingly become a fashion accessory. Not only for ladies but certainly for men. For men, there are not so many pieces of jewelry, that makes the watch the accessory pur sang. A watch says a lot about the person who wears the watch. A watch must match with the person and also with the clothes and shoes that the person is wearing. But you can also think of a specific occasion where a watch has to fit. Think for example of a wedding, party, holiday or business dinner.

Especially when doing business, the impression you create is very important. In addition, a watch is always a nice topic of conversation for many men. Especially men who are interested in cars and technology will certainly look interested at the watch you are wearing.

In this blog we write about the ideal watch for a business conversation. Which watch is best to wear? Which type of watch suits you and what impression do you want to create? Of course, we give a few examples of excellent watches that you can wear when you do business.

Determine which watch is appropriate for the occasion

If you are having a business conversation with another person for the first time, the first impression is extremely important. So it is evident that you examine in advance who the person is sitting opposite you and what the content of your conversation will be.

If you want to sell or buy a certain product or service, it is advisable to choose a watch that suits this. When you sell coffee you can think of a nice Italian watch from Meccaniche Veneziane. Because Italian coffee brands are well-regarded and Italy has a clear link with coffee. If you talk to your conversation partner about diving items, it is useful that you wear a sporty watch or better yet a diving watch. You can easily match the watch to the content of the conversation. If your meeting is about classical music, choose a modest watch with an automatic movement. For example a classic Epos watch.


You can easily make a mistake. Choosing a watch that actually does not suit you, or looks terrible in combination with your clothes. Think for example of colors. If you wear a blue shirt, do not choose a watch with a purple or green dial. Choose a watch with a blue, black or white dial.

There are a few points you need to consider in terms of watches. Never opt for a very striking watch. Too big, too colorful, too expensive etc etc. It all derives from the core, namely the content of the conversation you want to have. Choose an understated watch that matches your character and your clothing. Then you are always doing well. 

You certainly don't want to give the impression that you are a fast guy who wants to do business just as quickly. You want to radiate reliability. If you wear an expensive watch this can work both ways, it can be seen as gaudy or it can be interpreted that your products or service are too expensive. On the other hand, an exclusive and more expensive watch can impress and give the person across the table the feeling of sitting at the table with someone who radiates authority and success.

Examples of good watches for a business conversation

We have selected a few examples of watches that you can wear during a business conversation. We paid attention to the appearance of the watch. They are watches from different brands and from different price ranges.

We want to start with the Epos Emotion watches. This series offers watches with a very refined and understated design. The models can be called quite classic, but not so classic that they are old-fashioned. The nice thing about these watches is that they have a beautiful leather strap that you can combine nicely in color with your belt and shoes. As a big advantage, these watches have a Swiss made movement. That certainly provides discussion material.

Another good example of an excellent watch that you can safely wear during a business meeting is an Iron Annie watch. This German brand produces beautiful watches with a traditional design. A big advantage of the Iron Annie watches is that they are also very affordable. You can already buy an Iron Annie watch for less than 200 euros.

As a final example, we would like to mention the Davosa Ternos and Argonautic watches. Both Davosa series are sporty and tough. These watches stand for decisiveness, sportiness and reliability. The Davosa watches have the appearance of a much more expensive watch, and also offer similar features, but are considerably cheaper. This shows you have style but that the price is also important to you.


You really do not have to wear a super expensive watch during a business meeting to overwhelm your conversation partner. Opt for a subdued watch that doesn't distract from the conversation itself. You want to make a good impression and for that you normally only get one chance. Take this opportunity by choosing the watch that suits you. Besides a nice conversation topic that can break the ice, you may both have a passion for beautiful watches! Doing business will certainly become easier!