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Which watch do you wear during a job interview?

Posted on 4 June 2020 at 7:31 AM

You are looking for a new job and suddenly you get the opportunity to apply for your dream job. A job interview is not only exciting but also important, after all you want that great job! The first impression is very important and is often formed in seconds by the person sitting opposite you. That is why you have taken care of your hair, clothing, shoes and perhaps a nice parfum. Everything has to fit together. But which watch do you wear when applying for a job?

Which watch is best to wear?

You often only get one chance for a first impression, so it has to be right. A watch is an accessory that often catches the eye and says a lot about the person who wears it. When applying for a job, you want your clothing, belt, shoes and watch to be matched. It has to fit together without getting boring.

To determine which watch is best to wear during a job interview, you should ask yourself a few questions; what type of job is it and what type are you?

Which watch best suits the type of job?

Let's get into the job type first. Suppose you apply for a job in construction (for example as a carpenter or construction worker), then you choose a robust watch that looks sporty. You want your sportsmanship and fitness to stand out. In addition, a high-quality and robust watch indicates that you choose quality. The German brand Davosa produces watches that are extremely strong and reliable. They are not cheap, but you do buy a watch that you can enjoy for years and certainly has a sporty look.

When you apply for a job as a salesperson, you can wear a sporty watch depending on the type of products or service you need to sell. But you better choose a modest watch. A watch that radiates confidence and does not stand out too much. If you have to sell something, the customer's attention should not be completely absorbed by your watch. You want your customer to be interested and interested in the product or service you need to sell. A few watch brands that meet these characteristics are Junkers and Iron Annie.

When you apply for an office job you have a wide choice of types of watches. It is important that you look at how your colleagues are dressed. Does everyone wear casual clothes or a tailored suit? If you choose a casual watch, you can easily wear an Eone Time watch. These watches are unique in design, have a sympathetic appearance and are also affordable. Adjust the choice for your watch to this. Of course, the watch should also be comfortable on the wrist when you sit at a desk a lot.

If you are going for a managerial job, we advise you to have a modest watch that exudes style and quality. For example a Swiss made watch. A good example is a watch from Epos or Fortis. Both qualitative brands that have Swiss made timepieces. The designs are relatively classic, stylish and exude class.

What type are you?

In an interview it is important that you are yourself. The employer would like to see this, so that he can decide on this basis that you are the best option for the job and fit within the company. We advise you to wear a watch that suits you best and says something about who you are. If you are outgoing, social and sporty, choose a watch that stands out a bit, for example because of a specific brand, chronograph function, the size of the case or a special color of the dial or watch strap. However, if you are more an understated and calm person, it is best to choose a classic and elegant watch. This type of watch has an understated design, relatively small watch case, white or black dial and often a leather watch strap. A good choice is a watch with an automatic movement. This radiates peace and class.

How do you wear your watch during the job interview?

A watch often stands out. It is a handy and attractive accessory, and often the only piece of jewelry for men. Women often have more choice in terms of jewelry, for example by wearing a beautiful ring, bracelet or necklace.

There are some important points when wearing a watch during an interview. A mistake is quickly made. We give you some tips: make sure your watch is not too present, a gaudy watch does not make a good impression. The watch should absolutely not be too big, but certainly not too small. Choose a watch with an average size, for example with a 40-42 mm case diameter. It is best to match your watch to the rest of your clothing. If you opt for brown shoes and a brown belt, for example, wear a watch with a beautiful brown leather watch strap.

A very important aspect is that the time and date are set correctly. The wrong time and date look sloppy. In addition, you don't want to be late for your job interview, or even come on the wrong day. Also, despite the fact that you really like your watch, don't try to look too much at your watch. This is because it is uninterested or gives the impression that you have to go somewhere else that is more important.


Wearing the right watch for a job interview is extremely important. Think carefully in advance about which type of watch you want to wear, which watch best suits the job and yourself. Make sure that the watch does not stand out too much, is not excessively large or small and that you do not continuously look at your watch.

A job interview is important and can change your life. The first impression is absolutely important because an image of and about you is formed within seconds. By wearing the right watch you are slightly more likely to get a positive result. If you choose the wrong watch, you have less chance on your dream job. And maybe you are lucky and have spent time choosing the right watch, and the man or woman opposite you is very interested in watches. Then you immediately have a nice topic of conversation and this takes the stress off it a bit.

Before setting off for your job interview, take a few minutes to determine which watch you want to wear, and you may have your dream job afterwards!

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